Homeless Children and Youth Act Reintroduced at Huck House
Today, Representative Steve Stivers (R-OH) announced the reintroduction of the Homeless Children and Youth Act at the Huckleberry House. This legislation, which is cosponsored by Representative Dave Loebsack (D-IA), provides a more accurate system for the federal government to understand the problem of youth homelessness and help better serve this population. Representative Joyce Beatty (D-OH) was also in attendance and said she supportsthe need to better serve homeless youth. To read more about the reintroduction of the act, and the act itself, visit Rep. Stivers’ website.
The event was covered by the Columbus Dispatch, WSYX/WTTE, and WBNS 10TV.

Reps. Stivers and Beatty tour Huck House with executive director Becky Westerfelt.

Congresswoman Beatty talks about meeting the needs of homeless youth.

Congressman Stivers talks about the Homeless Children and Youth Act.

Representative Steve Stivers, Huck House Executive Director Becky Westerfelt, and Representative Joyce Beatty at Tuesday's reintroduction of the Homeless Children and Youth Act.

Huck House board members Jessica Lagarce-Barwell (far left) and Maria Armstrong (far right) attended the reintroduction of the Homeless Children and Youth Act.

ABC6-FOX28's Ben Garbarek interviewing executive director Becky Westerfelt.